Aarhus University Seal



Introduction and aim

Members of the SDG network from Aarhus University will focus on finding sustainable new food solutions by developing new partnerships between Aarhus University, public stakeholders, international collaborators and private companies. We have limited the list of AU members to 14, as these will be co-chairing the working packages of the application. 

This is a strong group of researchers, each of them bringing their own research networks (and established industry collaborations), inside and outside AU to the new community that will be developed by NFORM. 

External partners of the SDG network NFORM will capitalize on the partnerships already established by the current Centers in AU (iFood, MAPP, FOCUS, with strong memberships). In addition key stakeholders, which will be engaged in the activities of the NFORM Working Groups (WG), and will serve as key pillars to expand the stakeholders community within the various WGs. Amongst the external partners, very established and successful academic food and health networks, as well as public and private stakeholders.

The NFORM network will be quite unique, not only in Europe, but also internationally, as it will move beyond the food and health link, as it will reach farther, to societal issues, consumer behavior and choices intimately linked with the health of future families.